Terms of Use
By using this site I consent to the following:
- I am at least 18 years old
- I will not use Friendgen to participate in activities that may be harmful to other users
- I am willing to share my public facebook profile and first name with other users
- I am willing to share my user profile data with other users
- I am willing to indirectly share my IP based location with other users
- I understand that other users are not screened (other than having a facebook account) and Friendgen is not responsible for other users' content.
- I understand that any data is I share with Friendgen may be stored on Friendgen's servers for a minimum of 15 days
- I understand that Friendgen reserves the right to remove content, block users, or otherwise moderate as seen appropriate.
Privacy Policy
We don't want anyone to be in for bad surprises, so here's our privacy policy in common English:
- Friendgen will NEVER sell or distribute user data to third parties, including other users or advertisers
- Since we do not actively verify accounts, it should be assumed that any data you provide to Friendgen may end up in the public domain.
- Friendgen may actively track and update your IP location in our records when you have the site open in your browser.
- Friendgen may keep some of your data (for a maximum of 15 days) in our records to facilitate matchmaking with other users.
- If you decide that you not want Friendgen to keep a record of your user profile and/or data, simply delete your profile and that data will be permanenetly removed from Friendgen.
- We will happily remove or modify your profile manually if you send us an email at admin@friendgen.net.
We are not lawyers, nor do we particularly want to hire one. So if you need any clarification on any of the below points please do not hesitate to contact us at admin@friendgen.net